This is my first house and I don't want to forget the details and agony of home ownership.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Lincoln Logs
Sunday, December 23, 2007
The End in sight!!!

Back splash is in, it is a green glass, with sea foam green grout. I forget the color of the granite I think it's something like vertigo blue, but it's is a dark blue/green iridescent color.

Joanne (AKA mother in law) came over all weekend and help put the kitchen back together.
What is left to do:
Stain the bay window
The accent trim to molding (rope)
Molding over Microwave

Get me out
This was our trip Sunday to the Children's Museum in Manhattan. Dylan spent about 15 minutes getting o this costume. Once he had it on-- he couldn't get it off fast enough.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Maybe Sea Monkeys Were the Wrong Analogy

I was trying to remember the product they sold on the back of comic books. You add water and rainbow colored coral like mountains grew in the "aquarium". Well, here it is the counter top. On Friday 5 guys showed up from Mondials to install the counter top.

Next up is the back splash. That should be done by the end of this week and also the trimming on the kitchen closet and bay window. So by the time the New Year rolls around we will have a brand new kitchen and family room.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Just like Sea Monkeys
How could I argue with the price?
BTW, The Who Sells Out can be had for $9.97 over at Another mythical consumer trap. "There is magic in my eyes..."
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Christmas Invades the House? Nope, Welcomed with Open Arms!

Tomorrow it's back to reality and one day closer to getting our house back-- and better than ever!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Floors - Take Two!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Stove and Microwave- We have them installed
My recipe is simple:
- Sirloin (95% lean, I have high cholesterol after all)
- couple of dashes of L&P Worchestshire Sauce
- Garlic salt, mixed in and sprinkled on top
- Pepper, mixed in only
Cook on the griddle for 10 minutes (6 minutes one side , 4 minutes the other). Toast bun of choice (even the wonder bread works when you have been on the diet I have been on). Add Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onion, little mayo, and Heinz Ketchup (if it ain't Heinz it ain't ketchup). Don't forget the pickle on the side (Claussen).
Finishing Touches Pt. 1
Saturday, December 1, 2007
My future counter top
Thursday, November 15, 2007
WE HAVE A SINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a sink......... ok so it's not permanent and the counter top is a piece of ply wood, but Heck we have a sink and a working dishwasher.
Next step getting the stove hooked up...
Saturday the glass guy is coming to measure the closet doors.
Mondial is coming next week to measure out the the Granite counter top. The only thing is we have to wait 2 weeks before they will be able to install the counter top...
I feel good, that we are making progress...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Still going!!!!

Nothing is ever as simple and as fast as we would like it to be. We have two too many corners and it has proven to be a bit challenging in install the cabinets. Lucky Kaz is pretty creative and has really made these corners work.
We are hoping they are all installed by the end of the week.
Today hopefully we will have a temporary sink installed...
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Moving Right Alone!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007
Oh, Sh**! Part 2
Around 10pm we were alerted by our diligent tenant-- Kelly-- that she heard gurgling again. After a quick call to review instructions with Kaz, I was off to the basement to get it done.
- I opened up the sewer drain
- Instead of back up in the bathroom my drain was filled to the rim, and it wasn't Brim
- Note: You always knock off the drain cap closer to the street.
- I did this and the drain pit started draining.
- As soon as muck cleared I began plunging the stuck pipe.
- Something gave way and we were back in business.
- I cleared the remaining Muck out of the drain.
Time to finish-- roughly 20 minutes.
Most notably, I went down to the basement at least 5 times today. Call me paranoid-- It makes sense. Next up-- the plumber comes to figure out why we have had a crappy couple of weeks in the basement.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween Night

This year the Reddish family joined up with the Robersten family of girls and went to the Glenwood Road Parade. All the neighborhood kids all came out for a fun night of trick or treating. This was Ryan's first Halloween he was dressed as a monkey. Alexander was suppose to be a Tiger and he did not want to wear it, so we gave him a cowboy hat. Dylan was Spider Man for a second year in

After trick or treating with the girls, Dylan then wanted to go trick or treating with his friend Josh who was dressed as Batman.
It was a long and fun day for all the kids.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tile floors are being put down
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Oh Sh...! The joys of home ownership

The half bath was flooded in the basement and all sorts of "stuff" was all over the otherwise clean bathroom floor. So, Uncle John,Alexandra and I began to assess the damage. The pipes were backed up, that was pretty obvious-- Now for some professional help! Alexandra called her father, my father in law, and our contractor- Kaz. Luckily Kaz was on his way back from a party. If he was in bed we might not have received such stellar service. In a flash, the following happened:
- trap (sewer) door removed
- Kaz and John knock off first sewer line cap- nothing
- Kaz notes, " Most people think you twist these off, you knock the cap off."
- I note in my head that I am not "most people" and one of those people to would endlessly twist. I just call someone.
- Kaz knocks off cap number 2 and it's like a geyser. As bad as the bathroom looked- the "stuff" coming out of that hole looked worse
- Pipe Number One handled the run off, now if we only had a snake to find the clog.
- Well, Uncle John not only has an industrial juicer in his car, but also a whole host of tools- including a snake.
- After the hand powered snake was sent into the pipe a few times- out came "unidentifiable rag".
The water all drained out. Kaz and Uncle John made sure the pipe was clear and the clean up began. Alexandra, Uncle John, and I all cleaned up the bathroom. Estimated time from disaster and back to bed; 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Special Thanks
Kaz for coming over after a party and educating me on what to do.
Uncle John for helping with the line, cleaning up, and the tools-- They guy demonstrates on a daily basis what a great guy he is.
Alexandra for making the effort to let me sleep, calling her father, and cleaning up.
Kelly for "discovering" the problem giving us the heads up.
There was some upside:
- next time it happens I know what to do**
- Joanne got to see the basement finally
This definitely rates as one of the "crappiest" things that come up when you own a house. Also, we are now learning how to communicate things they should not flush down the toilet without pointing the finger. As Alexandra said, "It could have been one of our kids". We certainly were not going to examine the offending "unidentifiable rag".
* I am completely lying, my wife found it as I lay asleep in the bed. Realizing the gravity of the situation I got my lazy butt out of bed.
** there better not be a next time.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The Dumb Waiter
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Reddish Boys of Rugby Road do Stuy Town
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Friday, October 19, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The Kitchen!!!

Cabinets are on order. They should be here in, hopefully, in 2 to 3 weeks. The electrician has started working. Frank plumber comes tomorrow to move the gas line for our stove and for the dryer on the 3rd floor.
I guess as a first time home owner and a first time renovator you really do not realize what goes in to doing a kitchen and how many steps are involved. You have to to follow a certain order and each steps depends on the other. Some things like the counter top cannot be ordered until after the cabinets are installed. Then we have to wait two weeks for the counter top to be cut and installed, then we can install the back splash.

You need a lot of patience to do a kitchen. No matter how good your contractor is, if you want a nice kitchen, you want nice materials (i.e. granite counter tops, etc), then you have to wait for them.
I think it will be worth it all in the end.
Just hoping it will be done for Christmas. The wife is planing a big party!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Kitchen Demo Begins

So it begins, Six Pack and Uncle John (who we recurited) begin demoing our kitchen. We are taking down the wall that from the family room and making it a nice open kitchen family room.

Now if we only had time to go to the tile store, the granite store and so many other places to pick every thing out that we need.

Thank goodness the kitchen cabinet guy is coming to our house to measure and draw everything out for us, that make life a little easy...
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Life is Good When Your 2 Years Old!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Never Know What you Are Going to Get

Now playing: Suicidal Tendencies - How Will I Laugh Tomorrow
via FoxyTunes
The New Office, Home Office
Listening to: Richard X. Heyman - Home Again
via FoxyTunes