Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Grill

On Sunday my wife got an offer to buy a grill for $100. My first and only comment was, "Can I pick it up now?". So for the past few nights we have been "grilling up a storm". Beef kebabs, Chicken, Potatoes, etc. The inaugural meal was a steak. Which came out pretty good considering my grilling skills are more in line with "Grilling for Dummies" at this point. After all this is my first grill.
The grill might have been a little dirty but it is getting the job done.


John J. Reddish said...

Well, you have extra gas cannisters. All you need now is my other grill and you can be bi-level with your grilling. Hopefully, I can find a way to get it up there soon. Dad

Anonymous said...

If you get in a rut or tire of the basic chicken, burgers, etc. give some exotic meat a try - wild boar ribs, ostrich, lamb, etc. There are a lot of very healthy, tasty and fun options out there!

Rinjo Njori! said...

Lamb definitely. can you reccomend a butcher for the ostrich and boar ribs?