Mark today down as one of the major milestones in my life:
4/1/XX - Born
6/23/XX - Graduated High School
7/27/XX - Graduate from College
9/17/XX - First Major Job
3/31/00 - Engaged
4/28/01 - Married
12/27/02 - First born
7/21/05- Second Born
12/13/06 - Third Born
7/17/07 - Rinjo buys a house
Now, most people grow up in a house. I have lived in an apartment pretty much all my life. The houses I lived in were other people's houses, not mine. Well, today I walk into my house.
Welcome to Brooklyn. Ha ha ha. What are you going to do when Bloomberg is gone in 2009? Think we'll get another mayor as good as him or Rudy? Ha ha ha. Get ready to put the bars on the windows, sucker. Been to Church Avenue lately my yuppie sucker friend? Flatbush be breathin' down yo neck!!!
Alright Easy E! Family is from the Nabe...
Also, not a yuppie
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